Beef Trachea for My Senior Dog

Today's post is a perennial favorite. Windees ROCK!

I love at LEAST 5 great things about the Windee! What is a Windee? Why, it's Jones Natural Chews 12″ beef trachea, made just for dogs! For a long time I thought the Windee was just for medium to large size dogs, but a tiny dachshund put the lie to that last week. Here's what it looks like:

A Dachshund with a beef trachea
Come to the Dark Side. We have Windees.

And why should you love the Windee? I'll give you five good reasons.

  1. JNC's Windee is all natural, meaning there are no artificial ingredients. Nothing you can't pronounce. No chemicals. All of Jones chews are all natural, but the Windee is …
  2. A single ingredient chew! I look at the ingredient list on, say, a dog biscuit from the grocery store and not only can I not pronounce several of the ingredients, I can barely count them. The Windee is a beef trachea. And that's it. Just a beef trachea.
  3. Made in the USA – I love this part. Jones Natural Chews are 100% grown and made in the USA. So far, even with the treats that are not single ingredient, I haven't counted more than eight ingredients. All grown and made in the USA, including the Windee.
  4. The JNC Windee is a natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin, so it's good for senior dogs and dogs with joint issues. I DID NOT KNOW THIS. All this time I've been giving my senior dogs Beef Taffy and I should have been giving them Windees!
  5. The Windee, or beef trachea, is oven baked to perfection, making it crunchy, which makes even the 12″ treat edible by small dogs, like Roxy up there. Or Chewy, another dog I introduced to the Windee last week …
Never get between a dog and his beef trachea
Chewy knows a good beef trachea when he sees it. And smells it. And tastes it. He didn't want to give it up.

Chewy is four or five years old, half purebred Beagle, half whatever found his mom when she escaped the yard. Is he not adorable?!? Chewy and I spent a good half hour getting to know one another. Well, Chewy spent the half hour sucking up for treats. But LOOK AT THIS FACE!!!

Adorable Beagle mix
Is this not the cutest dog EVER?!? I know I say that about all the dogs …

Chewy has a sister, Bierly. She's a senior dog who buries her treats, so it took awhile to find the Windee. She buried it in the backyard almost as soon as I handed it to her. Look at this pretty girl:

When she brought this back, there was dirt inside from it being buried

When I left the dogs' mom with the Windee and a bag of JNC Chicken Taffy, I gave her the same little speech I give all dog moms:

  • Never give treats to a dog with an empty stomach – make sure they've eaten first
  • Never give your dog too many treats – think toddlers and dessert
  • Always supervise your dog eating a treat – dogs inhale – again, think toddlers inhaling any treat
  • Hide the treats – dogs will do just about anything for Jones Natural Chews
Adorable Beagle mix plays dead for a treat
Chewy went so far as to play dead to get ANOTHER Chicken Taffy – I had to cut him off

So take a look at your local pet store or feed store for Jones Natural Chews. Ask around. They're in a lot of cities and towns in the US. Here in Tulsa and surrounding, they're at Atwoods. If you absolutely can't find Jones near you, there's always Natural Dog Treat Shop.

So go! Find the chew that will make your dog smile! Because that's what Jones does best, make dogs smile.

Until I write again …



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